There is a fascinating debate over
whether long distance High Voltage Direct Current supergrids are the right way ahead for energy transmission. In theory they allow variable local
supplies and demands to be
balanced across wide geographical areas and are much more efficient, in terms
of energy losses over long distance transmission, than conventional AC links.
However there are problems. It is much harder to shift power up and
down from HVDC to and from local AC- expensive converter transformers are
needed. That’s why HVDC is usually seen as best for very long distances, with
transformers just at each end. Another approach, a bit of a compromise, is an
HVDV ring, with tap offs along the way. Others argue that a HVAC overlay grid
may be best for regional distribution. It can get quite technical. AC allows for easier local, regional or even national
frequency balancing, whereas a fully optimised HVDV system would require
central control of all the resources.
Some say that we ought to simply interlink national AC systems, so as to
retain local autonomy, although some long distance HVDC could also be added as
a feed in (and out) to and from strong points in the systems. At the extreme is the idea of
local ‘island generation’, with each region operating more or less
independently on AC, but linked to others for trade and balancing. That raises
all sorts of grid stability and reliability issues as the experience in the
fragmented USA shows.
Germany is
planning a major series of HVDC ‘corridors’ 660 km long
in an €10 bn
project to shift
electricity from the north, which is where most of the wind resource are
located, to the south, which is where there are some large cities. http://carbonnation.info/2013/05/01/germany-jumpstarts-the-supergrid/ and http://carbonnation.info/2013/06/18/german-parliament-oks-bold-hvdc-grid-upgrade/
HVDC is of course
already widely used for undersea links, and China has used it for bringing
electricity from its huge but remote hydro projects to cities on the coast. A series of High Voltage Direct Current links have been built to
East and South China, over distances of around 1,000 km, to transfer
electricity from the Three Gorges hydro plant. The total capacity of the HVDC
links is 7,200 MW, with line losses put at about 3%.
Another idea
entirely is to down-play electricity transmission and make much more use of gas and gas transmission. Energy losses are even lower and buried
gas mains are much less invasive, once installed, than power grid towers and
cables. The gas grid already
handles four time more energy than the electricity grid in the UK, and in
effect acts as a buffer store, helping to deal with variable demand: demand for
heat varies much more, both daily and over the year, than demand for
electricity. That approach can be
expanded with large gas stores (gas is easier to store) and we could switch to
green gas, methane from bioenergy sources (e.g. AD biomass using farm and food
wastes) and from wind-to-gas electrolytic conversion, making use of the excess
energy produced from wind at times of low demand. Some of the gas could of
course be used to make electricity locally where needed. Some of the gas can also be exported
and imported. So we don't need electricity supergrids. Green gas could provide
a cheaper and more flexible balancing and transmission option. And if the combustion of green gas is
combined with carbon capture and storage, then you get negative carbon
emissions. Sounds like a winner!
Pipes not wires!
Some of these ideas
are already being explored in Germany. Biogas is being added to the gas mains
and 'wind to gas' projects are spreading, with some developing synfuel production
using captured CO2 and electrolytically produced hydrogen: http://www.itm-power.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Platts-April13.pdf and http://www.iwes.fraunhofer.de/de/publikationen/uebersicht/2010/towards_100_renewablesandbeyondpowerthepossibilityofwindtogenera.html.
Heat production, transport and storage is
another possible winner –storing energy as heat is even more efficiently than
storing it as gas, and although heat transmission is less efficient it can be
sent quite long distances with low losses- the longest example so far is 65km
from a rural waste to energy power plant to the city of Prague, linked with a
200MW capacity pipe.
So rather than distributing electricity,
or for that matter fossil or green gas, to individual domestic consumers for
heating, wherever possible, heat could be supplied via district heating (DH)
networks, fed from high-efficiency community-scaled green energy fired Combined
Heat and Power (CHP) plants. While heat can be sent long distances, in economic
terms, building local DH distribution networks only makes sense in urban and
perhaps suburban areas where there are good heat loads. The heat can be from a
range of sources. Biomass and
solar-fired DH is now moving ahead across the EU, usually linked to heat
stores, and in some cases inter-seasonal heat stores. Most of these will be
sited to meet local loads, but in some case long distance transmission might be
appropriate. For example, Oslo’s district heating network is fed via a 12.3 km
pipe from a waste burning plant in the city outskirts. In Denmark there is a
17km link from a CHP plant to the city of Aarhus. Helsinki has a CHP/DH system,
supplying over 93% of Helsinki’s heat, including a plant linked in via a 30km
pipe in a tunnel. So that is an
extension of the ‘pipe’ rather than ‘wire’ approach, with piped heat as well as
piped gas.
Probably though a mixed system would be
best, capitalising on the strengths of each. However the best balance between
heat, gas and electricity and which will, or should, dominate in future, is
unclear. It will be influenced by the location of the sources and the demand.
For example, access for pipes may be hard in some locations. Technological
change could also tip the balance of advantage between these vectors. The wind
to gas route may prove too expensive, whereas the availability of cheap storage
of electricity might make electricity more attractive. The debate continues.
One way follow it is via the Claverton
Energy Group e-conferences:
*This post was delayed from its usual start of the month slot since I was away on holiday!
*This post was delayed from its usual start of the month slot since I was away on holiday!